A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed with us and for us today! We have felt the results of those prayers!
For those who don't know what's been going on with Trenton, here's a little history....
About 3 weeks after his 1st birthday, he began having GI problems. These have continued for the past 10 months. After trying a number of different things as well as various tests, the next step was to get inside of him and take a look on a naked eye level, but also on a microscopic level.
After a 24 hour fast (very hard to explain to a 21 month old that you can't give him any food...), and 2 rounds of "cleaning out" (enema's are not welcome anywhere near T now! Of course are they really welcomed by anyone?? He knows the box now!) he underwent upper endoscopy with biopsies taken from esophagus, stomach and the 1st portion of his small intestine. He was also scheduled for a colonoscopy while under anesthesia. The Dr. did find some unusual tissue there so they took 8 biopsies from his colon as well. He was definitely not digging all the strangers and weird things they had to do in pre-op....hard for Mommy to see, but he did just fine through the entire process. Coming out of anesthesia has been a little rough, his throat is definitely sore from the breathing tube and scope, but he has been resting all afternoon and we are looking forward to our trip to Daphne this weekend!
We know that God is in control of every situation, and I definitely had to remind myself of that fact, often, throughout this entire process. I had a bit of a meltdown Tuesday afternoon, but after a little chat with God, I began feeling more confident once again. I also really appreciate the encouragement from my Mom, my Mommy friends and for Ruthie coming over Tuesday night!! Also, thankful for Mark, for being supportive of me and also for being open about his own feelings about the surgery. He's a wonderful husband and daddy. We are encouraged that the Dr. was able to see something with the naked eye and are believing that the microscope will give specific results so that we can get Trenton over this completely. I continue to pray that God heal him completely and if he continues to use Dr. Patel or just chooses to take this away supernaturally we will trust Him and thank Him for healing either way!
We should begin getting results back from the biopsies in about a week, so I will update after we meet with the Dr. and have some answers. We really appreciate our very special friends Ryan & Caitlyn for being there for us through this mystery and for being with us in the waiting room as well as for Pastor Chris and Lisa for making the journey up to the Surgery Center too! It meant so very much to me and to Mark as well! We love and appreciate you all!
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