Thursday, May 13, 2010

Starting the Day ~

So when the parent says, as they're walking out the door, "Oh, the baby has been a little fussy this morning," then quickly walks out and closes the door, my first reaction is - Great! This day is NOT going to be fun. I begin thinking about how difficult this little is already, and now this?? The dog has been barking all morning....what is wrong? He's usually asleep until 8:30. Oh, and I overslept a little.... Add it all up, by 7:15 I had settled in to thinking, I can't wait for this day to speed by.

I'm so thankful that God chooses to break into our little worlds, where we often choose to see only what's immediately in front of us! I began thinking about my attitude towards the day.... All these little circumstances don't control me - unless I let them. All these little circumstances aren't set in stone - unless I don't work to make things better. All these little circumstances don't have to be a complete negative - unless I don't find the opportunity in there to let God use me.

It's crazy how we let everyday life determine how much we think we can accomplish or how successful we can be or even how much joy we can get out of life. To take this a step further, how often do I let the words I read in my quiet time or the impressions God places inside of me set the tone for my day?? Certainly not as often as I let all the "STUFF" that goes on in life.

My prayer today is that God will rearrange the order of thinking in my head and keep my heart close to His! It's an old song, but the lyrics capture the emotion and prayer of my life today.... The Mind of Christ by Truth. Great song, Great message, Great way to start my day!


  1. Whitney-you are an incredible person. I'm so thankful that you are able to watch my little man each week!! Many thanks to you!

  2. Thanks Kelly! I truly feel honored to do it!


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